Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spain Got Downgraded to Training Bra Territory?

Oh, it was already in training bra territory? Right. So that caused more of a whoop there it is than FOMC.

Hit me, Bernanke, one more time...

What you got boy is hard to find.
I think about it all the time.
I'm all strung out.
My charts are fried.
I just can't get you off my mind.

Because your extended period is my drug...

I don't care what people say
The rush is worth the price I pay...

Did he even mention extended period? Who knows, who cares? But DJ ForexDiva is back and my portfolio was really much happier today - except for the GBP/USD long I'm still in, which I shall place on the backburner for the time being. I got pan fried! Like rice. But my portfolio's slightly smokin'.

+2.28% on the standard brokerage
+1.83% on the Roth IRA

BAC did not retrace today. Good news either way for me, but I'm really watching for it to hit the $14 level between now and July - right before its next earnings announcement.

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