Thursday, April 1, 2010

I Was Part of Something Bigger Than My Trading Ego...

Thanks to Franc the Bank and the rumoured SNB Intervention, I booked a net profit of 48.35 pips today, which if it hadn't been for my vengeful heart, would have been about 65 pips.

I shorted GBP/USD last night and after having made a quick 11 pips, I took profit and got into another lot at a higher level. When it started skyrocketing and leaving me with a 17 pip loss, I got out. This trade was a mistake! 11 pips is not a very solid indicator of a divergence trade working out and if price has moved higher than your original entry level, something is definitely amiss. But I didn't realise it then.

To make a bimbo story short, I shorted GBP/USD again today during my Lunchtime Fun with the Guys of London session (LTFWTGOL) for the ISM Manufacturing number because the bearish divergence was still evident and learned a very big lesson: there is a market force that's bigger than our trading egos. And it's even bigger than my trading ego! Plus, do I ever learn?

I am going to fix this mistake. I shorted at about 1.52349. I am looking for another pair to counter it. I'm thinking my good friend GBP/JPY could be it...

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