Friday, January 22, 2010

Rise & Shine

This morning, I didn't really want to wake up. I was so tired from the dramatic decline of my darling portfolio, which has been the light in my life for a good few weeks. Did it really happen? Did I really lose so much in a day? Did I really allow my head to get too big for my Miss Equities 2010 crown?

Well, I've done much worse in the past and I thought to myself the only thing worse than having a small account and a small brain is having a big account and a small brain with an ultra large trading ego.

Know why your brain is so small (i.e. your worst trading mistakes ever) and learn how to control these factors. Your brain won't get bigger, but your account might.

For me, it's a battle between Inner Fraidy Cat vs. Trading Ego the Size of Belgium.

So, rise and shine! Especially my dear, sweet Harry Winston - the star of my very own portfolio drama!

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