Friday, January 8, 2010

It Had To Happen Some Day...

My portfolio's not that smokin' today! -0.12% so far on my standard brokerage account and -1.01% on my Roth IRA. I think it'll get redder at around market close. C and BAC are moody today and I'm stuck here nursing these two positions. I have to tell myself the long term is what matters! Otherwise, I'm going to kill two potential five figure positions.

HWD is doing a good job helping to offset some of the decline. +4.66% so far. I wonder if it'll get to $13.05 over the short term, which would bring its market capitalisation to $1 billion. I have even higher hopes for HWD.

I do need to look for other stocks to invest in. I can't be too concentrated in high beta. Just a bit of balance is necessary since people are still talking about a second wave of panic potentially occurring. However, unless C or another big player is going down, I don't think we'll see a very substantial pullback. There wasn't much of a panic with CIT or Dubai, so what else could happen besides Bernanke splashing some cold water about every once in a while?

Should I be such a fraidy cat then?

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