Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Colleague The Super Bear Was Right?

Mind you, this is the same colleague who has a theory that whenever I buy a stock is when the price will go down and whenever I sell a stock is when the price will go up. The unfortunate thing is I can't disagree with him there.

Anyway, he's bearish now and apparently, so are a lot of other people.

Oh, how can the market be so cruel? I was just getting used to the happier atmosphere. My portfolio was down 2.84% today - much worse than DJIA. I am not in a great mood!

There is, though, a little part of me that is looking forward to the buying opportunities that might unfold as a result of the impending market correction.

This time around, I hope I'll make wiser moves. After all, I've already missed out on the biggest sale of my life. If there's a second chance presenting itself, I have to do the right thing!

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