Thursday, March 31, 2011

What's Up, Harry?

HWD formed a new high once again today, but failed to touch $17, although it closed above yesterday's close - which is significant, but not as encouraging as I'd like. The price gap is big and there are enough sellers to create this meaningful disparity. I like how both the buyers and the sellers clearly have an opinion about where Harry should be headed next.

As we speak, the final bid stands at $15.86 with the ask positioned at $16.45.

If it wasn't for Harry Winston, the firefighter of my portfolio, my Roth IRA would be in a very sad state. As it is, the gain I'm experiencing with Harry is about to offset the losses from MFG, NMR, and BAC. How sizzling is that? This is if HWD is able to sustain its competitive advantage.

-1.27% SBA
+0.42% Roth IRA

-0.18% S&P
-0.25% DJIA
+0.15% Nasdaq

Unfortunately, Bwahaha Levels are starting to occur on NMR and MFG. My original Bwahaha bid levels were something like:

$1 on MFG
$4.65 on NMR
$3.99 on MTU

I couldn't keep my trading legs crossed and got in at market on that historic nymphomaniac day, resulting in losses ranging from 4 to 15%. I have a feeling that I might need to wait at least a month to see any sort of move up if the BP oil spill is a good indicator to go by.

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