Monday, October 24, 2011

The Diva's Got BAC!

You don't know about BAC?

Oh, but my portfolio wasn't all BAC (+4.02%). I've also got:

CENX +9.67%
DVR +3.08%
JRCC +7.30%
TGB +7.08%
HWD +7.83%

I wasn't feeling that well all day, but when I opened up my portfolio, it all changed! If only I hadn't let go of the additional JRCC partial position, GTE, AA, BCS, and taken a loss on the partial BAC position... I faked myself out, but now I'm BAC - sort of!

And now there may be more riding on the way. I looked at BAC options expiring on 19 November 2011 and the $7.50 - $10 levels look like market buddy hotspots. We've still got some options yet to expire for the 28 October 2011 strike date.

+4.09% SBA
+2.68% Roth IRA

+0.89% DJIA
+2.35% Nasdaq
+1.29% S&P

+1.08% FTSE
+1.11% Eurofirst (wondering if we'll break above 1000 this week?)

We keep touching right about 29 on VIX (-6.58%) and then getting a reversal. Will we finally get a chance to go riding into Q4 and actually do some straight up profit taking? Bwahahaha...

From the way I like to Bwahahaha, it would appear that Halloween is my favourite holiday. In fact, I hate it most. But in the past, it has often marked the beginning of the end for the bears...

But it really depends on whether the bulls are are BAC...

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