Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sex, Lies & Fairy Tales: Still Not Acting Like A Trader...

I'm A Honeygreen Money Making Machine Take 2... and this one's a go!

Yes, today's market performance was spectacular / stellar / sensational - even if I do say so myself. I'd say at least two gold-diggin' stars, wouldn't you?

+2.80% on the SBA
+3.56% on the Roth IRA

Yet... I'm still not thinking and definitely not acting like a real trader. Into the Confessional Booth I go and here's where I went wrong:

I had placed four crazy forex orders maybe more than a week back. I didn't get filled on any of these crazy orders and I still failed to dance with the market.

I have known since the earnings announcements back in April that earnings seasons in July could get very spicy and I failed to capitalise on it. If I'd taken profit back then, I would have been sitting pretty with a lot more moola instead of just recovering my account once again. Taking profit then buying back the lows... isn't that such a beautiful proposition?

Even more recently, since earnings season is here, I should have realised the risk currencies were going to be in play. I'm going to remember this lesson for next time.

Here I am with a fabulous trading day and my Roth IRA is still -0.15% overall and my SBA is still down in the double digits. The recovery has been fast, but it could have been faster if I'd played this right.

I've got to stop testing and start trading. Nothing beats real trading experience. It's like... fantasising about it is not the same as actually doing it, is it?

Lately, I've been reading GFT Commentary a lot more and I have to say that Boris Schlossberg actually has some good stuff. So does Kathy Lien! She was one of the first to mention that risk was on again.

Well, it definitely is and I hope it's here to stay!

Too bad they're not my BFF forex broker.

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