Friday, July 16, 2010

Chart Failure...

For immediate release

16 July 2010 (Trading Ego the Size of Belgium). Five-day Powerball Jackpot Winner ForexDiva's portfolio was admitted to the DJIA Intensive Bear Unit today after experiencing chronic chart failure.

Today's market action had dire consequences for the diva, resulting in:

-2.92% on the SBA

-5.51% on the Roth IRA

"With high hopes and even higher expectations for earnings announcement from CitiFrog to further accelerate my portfolio recovery, I was extremely disappointed. It was all quote unquote luck," sobbed ForexDiva.

"Harry Winston tried to save me with a +1.11% BandAid, but a -8.17% move from BCS and a -6.25% descent on C outweighed Harry's efforts to resuscitate my portfolio," ForexDiva continued.

Ambulatory services rushed in and the portfolio is now still in critical condition.

When asked about MF and any next course of action, a glare accompanied ForexDiva's pointed response: "MF's not even in my portfolio. I got arbitraged! I will wait and see if it hits $4.50, but I regrettably missed out on the 20% move up. BCS earnings announcement on 5 August 2010 will be my next gold-diggin' opportunity."

"The only good news for me today is being able to access CNBC streaming news on my E*Trade platform. Please excuse me now... I need to examine Harry Winston now."

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