Monday, July 26, 2010

Hello Neighbours: Don't Stop... Prices Pop!

Who would have thought that S&P would close above 1100 today? I have a faint recollection of some bimbo diva mentioning it a few posts back with very little conviction. Bwahaha to the perma-bears who will all hopefully get faked out. They deserve it after putting us through two years of their rap! As in...

Wake up in the morning feeling OTT
Grab my glasses, I'm out the door, I'm gonna hit The City
Before I leave, brush my teeth with some Listerine
When I leave for the day, the GOLs all make a play

I'm talking trades that curl our toes, toes
Ripping off all their foes, foes
Boys blowing up our phones, phones
Stop-running, playing our 5.01% APY CDs
Pulling up to Tea Parties
Trying to get a little bit tipsy

Don't stop
Prices pop
DJIA blow my speakers up
Tonight, I'm gonna fight
'Til we see the moonlight

+0.77% on the SBA (no thanks to Harry)
+3.2% on the Roth IRA (largely attributable to Sultan BCS who shot up +4.87%)

I have zero trading conviction whatsoever, so if anything untoward happens, I am going to look to sell something. Just what? I am still indecisive, but it'll be something in forex.

I'm also keeping my eyes on gold and oil. Oil will need to follow through with the rally in order for this to be sustainable. I'm also looking for Shanghai to stay above 2500, which it hasn't been able to hold for the longest time. If Shanghai holds and DJIA breaks above 10,700 too, the Real Bwahahas are coming out!

Hopefully, mine will be the loudest!

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