Thursday, July 15, 2010

Oedipus Complex Ministers of Finance to the 300 Trillion Power

I'm ticked off for three reasons today. First, some Benjamin Franklin look-alike offended me by telling me I have a strange walk. I glared at him and told him "It's not strange!" What I really should have done was compliment him on his pot belly, antiquidated glasses, receding hairline, and deodorant-less ways.

Then, my portfolio started spewing venom with:

-0.56% on the SBA
-1.22% on the Roth IRA

Finally, the icing on the cake? The GOLs demonstrated just how honourable and upright they were by getting back above 1.54? The Oedipus Complex Ministers of Finance who sold me at 1.54 know who they are and I better not see them in NY or London. I should have paid attention when Boris Schlossberg mentioned GBP/USD might get to 1.55 a few days ago.

So... just how much money do you need to crash a bike-sized account like mine? I reckon even an intern with a bit more than a $10,000 account can do it. On 100:1 leverage, that's a million dollar account. I better not find out whose account it was! That trade made me the market bottom of everyone's chart.

It's a good thing I have a rendezvous with CitiFrog tomorrow. I'm sure C's going to put me in a much better mood.

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