Monday, November 16, 2009

May the Couch-Jumping Continue!

Ever since my BAC Air Piano Incident, I've been convinced that any corrections in the equities markets will be short-lived, especially for quality stocks.

This article about recruitment in the advertising industry reinforces my view. As I had mentioned earlier, marketing and advertising expenditures are the first to be streamlined (extreme euphemism) during recessions. According to AdAge, more than 11% of the workforce in the advertising industry was 'streamlined' since the Great Recession. The light at the end of the tunnel is finally emerging!

It might not be a jobless recovery afterall. If this continues, we'll all be jumping on couches for years to come!

I'm planning on rebalancing my portfolio as soon as the opportunity presents itself. Since I've been so high beta, I might have to start looking at good dividend opportunities for my Roth IRA. I was quite surprised to find some opportunities with almost 6% dividend yields.

Incredible, and yet pretty exciting...

My portfolio was only +0.81% today by the way, but I'm still in a couch-jumping mood!

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