Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Alpha Male Factor?

So there is something about alpha males - at least according to FT...

Note that the author is male, which means I'm trying to toss you an excuse that this article is not in any way sexist, which I think it is even if it was written by a guy. It's a bit like those research reports that try to justify that men inherently have a natural inclination to cheat, isn't it? It's like me with my remarks about alpha males. I do secretly like guys that are just a little on the alpha side, but not too much. Alpha alone, like the article suggests, is not enough.

Anyway, I digress.

Today, I am looking for opportunities to fade a move. I'm going to pay attention to gold and oil again, especially after
the Fed has suddenly become concerned with "excessive risk-taking."

That water is ice cold, Bernanke! Here's a guy who can use a bit more alpha!

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