Friday, November 27, 2009

Bingo! Eureka! Dubai = Du Bye Bye

Oh, dear God! I open and for the 50,000th time this week, I see something about Dubai. Dubai this... Dubai that... Everyone hearts Dubai - or unhearts it, rather. Just when I was about to scream "enough already!"... it dawned on me... CIT's bankruptcy received less than a day's worth of media coverage.

The fact that the coverage on Dubai has been going on since at least Thanksgiving Eve indicates intense investor interest - and potentially lots of money involved and capital BIG bandaid ripping potential.

I should be looking for potential gold-digging - ahem, trading - opportunities. But what?

And I am probably on the brink of being on the fashionably late side.

Better late than never?

Oh, it's never too late to play the fashionably late card when it comes to trading.

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