Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Harry Winston: Failure to Perform

Gosh, that's some failure to perform, Harry Winston! Down -5.24% so far today, dragging my entire portfolio down by -1.08%.

Speaking of failure... another book on the Lehman failure is being published today. Should be an interesting read.

I'm putting my trading ego aside today and considering taking a potentially more bullish stance on GBP/JPY. However, I am admittedly not in a very alert state of mind today. Sooner or later, when someone googles futile trading attempts, there'll be a link to my blog. This is obviously taking a psychological toll on me. That Ion Media restructuring fiasco did not help. This morning, I was half wishing that European Summer Time would end already since I'm definitely not a morning person. Perhaps the best thing for me today is not to trade.

But the ultimate rejection? I'd imagine it would be someone who actually ends up building a tremendous net worth and then getting rejected by Coutts as a client. The British are the original divas, I'd say.

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