Monday, February 7, 2011

... Gave Proof Through the Night, That Our Flag Was Still There...

The other day, some guy sat down at the grand piano here in the library and started playing. He wasn't good and stopped after only about a minute. I wanted to tell him, keep going, dude! You're not good now, but you could be. But I kept my big mouth shut, just like the bears are probably wishing I would do now. LOL.

Remember that bull flag on the 3-year S&P chart that I mentioned way, way back when I was still considered two years too early for the next bull market? Well, here we are and apparently, that bull flag is still there! So, ForexDiva and my cronies continue to make money here...

Now, instead of spending the weekend doing my homework in the equities market, I spent my weekend doing some other kind of homework. I don't have much to show for my new strategy yet, but I'm going to continue to keep at it. I've got two markets and I'm looking to arbitrage them!

I've got a few other potential money-making irons in the fire as well. We have to keep going no matter how much the world is booing you off the stage! Are they brave enough to get up on that stage in the first place?

Back to equities trading because that's what we're here for! If I'm going to buy, I just realised that it makes the most sense to buy stocks in the portfolio that's got the momentum going for it. That happens to be my Roth IRA today - rather than my recently balanced SBA. The tide's going north with stocks in my Roth IRA, so follow the tide! That's what a momentum player does, right?

My Roth IRA comprises:

top secret restaurant stock that I want as few hands on as possible, which I'm already making over +80% on... oh, yes... I want to keep that to myself!
Plus, some junk bonds - mainly Lehman... which I proudly bought after it went bankrupt...

And my Report Card for the day (ta da!):

-0.74% on the SBA
+1.02% on the Roth IRA

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