Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Honey, I Expanded My Accounts!

It was an incredibly tantric session that lifted my spirit and brought the toe-curling profits another level up. I do hope it gets better than this, although it was pretty much amazing. I'd like to do that again (and again - and then possibly again).

My three trading accounts all experienced some show-stopping, button-popping, couch-hopping inflation today. Oh, yes they did!

+ 2.72% on the standard brokerage
+ 2.16% on the Roth IRA
+ about 50 pips so far with the potential of two trendships with benefits on hand in the forex trading account (yes... it's really happened! Recall I've never made more than 8 pips profits...)

The one thing that got to me was Harry Winston, who really hasn't been performing as he once did. I would do anything to cheer Harry up again, but if I have to, I will get out of this position for good and go with another one since I decided to go ahead and do the whole open relationship thing with all my investments. I do have an emotional attachment to Harry Winston, but at the same time, I'm now looking for 5 carats with all my positions. I regret not taking profit when HWD was at about $12.87, but I was really hoping it'd get to $13.05 and break above a $1 billion market cap. Maybe not for some time.

I'm trying out something new with my forex trading. I won't get into the specifics since I'm trying to be more mysterious with strategies that can potentially make me OHD (One Happy Diva). However, it involves trading two correlated pairs and letting them both run. Do your own homework and discover your own uncharted territory. I love outside of the box thinking and experimentation!

Diva, indeed! Some would call it AAA-rated bitch and Moody's might even create a new dramatic category for me too, but diva is more politically correct, isn't it? Anyway, I like the sound of diva better...

Finally! I'm finally doing it! It's my Big Moment! And I'd like to thank my parents, my sister, my brother, my forex broker, and Brian Dolan, and everyone else I forgot, including any FWFs...

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