Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Il Fait Froid...

Sadly, my portfolio turned out to be a hot air balloon that's running out of energy.

-1.84% on the standard brokerage account
-0.62% on the Roth IRA

Harry Winston had some deflationary pressure with a -3.65% move.

The three smokin' hot positions in my Roth IRA are AA, BAC, and surprisingly, C - all slightly profitable. BAC's the most exciting by far.

I got the grand idea of possibly holding a short term position in HWD in my Roth IRA. If I can catch a +8% move or more on HWD consistently, the profits would make me a very happy woman. This is the only stock I know that moves like this. The volatility is definitely something I want to take advantage of.

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