Tuesday, February 16, 2010

BAC Deserves A Two-Hour Toe-Curling Massage...

BAC led my portfolio today, gaining +5.19% and lifting my overall portfolio together with some other porfolio-boosting heroes.

Overall results at the market close:

+2.70% on the standard brokerage account
+3.29% on the Roth IRA (yay! It closed above 3%!)

It was one of the most exciting trading days of the year as I watched position after position heat up - four smokin' hot ones in my Roth IRA and one Harry Winston in my standard brokerage account.

I sold my remaining NYX and am now waiting for the cash to settle so that I can get into some Fair Weather Friends sectors. Think anything fun, really. I recently bought one already, but since I'm still building up the position, I think I should be slightly mysterious for once. Just look for Price/Sales and Price/Book to be below 1 with very little debt if possible. I wouldn't touch anything with very high debt relative to cash - not even with an 18 foot pole. Gosh, that would include me, wouldn't it? Temporary condition that'll improve in just 103 days.

Follow me at your own peril though. LOL. There are some days when my portfolio won't get the Clairol Herbal Essences treatment.

Harry Winston looks like he wouldn't mind if we continue to be the equestrian.

But to think... had I just kept my trading legs closed for one or two days, my gains now would be even higher. Hopefully, this will mark the start of another long rally where it wouldn't really matter since the tide's headed up again. Hopefully!

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