Friday, July 29, 2011

Look, Bid Volume Is Really Strong...

I know I've been wrong all year, but what's the heavy bid volume all about? I'm seeing 5 figure bid sizes on MS and BAC - and 6 figure bid sizes on LEHMQ of all stocks.

Who's backing up the truck?

BFF Forex Broker's stock - GCAP - was down -3.66% as their earnings announcement failed to please the market, garnering 3 figure bids. Market buddies, don't beat up BFF Forex Broker's stock... they've got a tonne of cash on the balance sheet, but very little Internet forex growth followthrough. It doesn't mean they can't be an acquisition target. I'm going to study their balance sheet and check out whether they're a worthwhile investment.

-0.48% SBA
-0.84% Roth IRA
-0.79% DJIA
-0.36% Nasdaq
-0.65% S&P

I just got a call from my BFF business banker saying that Treasuries will most likely skyrocket if the US debt impasse continues. Yes, I have a business banker! So excited... [A note of clarification: he said Treasury bond prices will skyrocket...] I wonder if 9 Figure Man is already in Treasuries? I've been thinking about him day and night, desperately seeking ideas to turn him on so he can fill my wallet again over the next few months. I'm brainstorming on an 8 Figure Way to satisfy him.

Happy Weekend...

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