Sunday, July 19, 2009

More Socialist Action: Obama Proposes Higher Taxes for Rich

I've never been politically correct and I'm sorry to say, but the Obama health plan has got to be the worst move ever. I do not oppose compassion, but I do oppose unfair taxation. I definitely am not in favour of further progressive taxation. Gen X & Y will be paying for this for years to come. The new system will turn out to be the Fannie and Freddie of health care.

I am not a millionaire and it'll take me time to get there, but imagine spending all this time building up your asset base only to have it eroded by the government with some unfair tax legislation after all your hard work. Democrat or Republican, it's just plain wrong. It is legalised larceny!

Why does the government need to stick its nose in everything? Get out of Iraq and we won't need to raise taxes on anyone.

Taxation has gotten out of hand when you take into consideration taxes at the Federal, State, and City levels. What is all this money being spent on? Cumulatively, the US tax rate will probably be about 50%, which is similar to the socialist nations in Europe. Anyone with a little bit of intelligence can see that if the US government reduces income taxes, the savings from this reduction in income taxes could be used to pay for healthcare by the individual. So, why do we need to increase taxes on anyone at all?

We need to reform causes for the high premiums and not put a bandaid on a broken ankle!

Fraud is ever-present in the insurance industry...

RNC Chairman thinks Obama is a socialist too... And I'm only semi-Republican

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