Monday, June 17, 2013

I'm Lost...

... and I can't be found...  

Ever since I bought calls at around VIX 13, I've been losing money left and right.  Admittedly, I would have done better buying the 52WHs and selling covered calls, but my losses are limited to the capital outlay I spent buying these calls.  

Some of my biggest options trading mistakes:

Buying $2 SPY puts 
Buying $2 SPY puts again
Buying $2 SPY puts again and again (stop smirking...)
Missing the market top when I've been a semi-bear since February 2013...

In essence, I'm selling lows and buying highs...

In a way, this market kind of reminds me of 2007 - very spookily.  Poor Peter Schiff just got shunned by Maria on CNBC.  And it was hard to argue with her.  Who's brave enough to be a SPY seller and admit that they're bearish on national TV? 

I remember getting into a long USD/JPY trade that summer and totally getting liquidated as the USD/JPY went from above 124 to 112 over the course of a few weeks - if even a few weeks.  

The major forex moves seem to always precede the stock market moves.  So if we see further JPY strengthening, this could indeed be 2007 all over again.  

Unfortunately, it took the stock market just a little over a year from the time the carry trade began to unwind in 2007 to finally correct.  And I'm already exasperated.  

-3.61% SBA
-2.00% Roth IRA

+0.73% DJIA
+0.84% Nasdaq
+0.76% S&P 

+0.35% FTSE
+0.72% Eurofirst
+2.73% Nikkei
-0.27% Shanghai
+0.77% SENSEX
+1.22% Hang Seng

00.00% WTI
-0.29% Brent
-0.28% Gold
-0.22% Copper
+2.29% Corn

+0.43% USD/JPY
+0.64% EUR/JPY

+2.12% 10-Year US Treasury Notes

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