Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Professor, I Have A Question...

... are you single? LOL.

I'm in a good mood today - relatively speaking.

WTI Crude broke above $90 today, which meant HERO followed suit with a +5.93% jump - bringing my paper profit on the position to +20%. I would have liked to see a stronger close on HERO, but with all major stock markets across the world posting such a solid advance, I'm holding on for a few more days to see if Santa has some more shiny happy stuff in store for us - especially because China is getting involved in "concerted action" to aid the Euro crisis.

I have yet to see any upwards action on IDGG even though HERO is clearly delivering already.

+2.10% on the SBA
+1.02% on the Roth IRA

I might get busy packing over the next few days, so don't take it too personally if you don't hear my JNSB for a while.

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