Monday, February 1, 2010

Oui, Oui! Her Royal Smokin' Hotness Is Back!

OK, that might have been a bit OTT, but today was OMG Day for my portfolio...

+2.69% on the standard brokerage account...
+2.2% on the Roth IRA...

Harry Winston led my portfolio with a +7.31% gain and BX was a close second with +6.35% whilst AA was +4.95%. I wish this would happen every day!! If it did, I'd have a yacht in no time...

I'm not sure I'm so concerned about USD/CHF breaking down anymore. If it breaks below 1.045, then we really have something to be worried about. This is practically the slowest pair on earth, so if it starts moving fast, then we have even more to be worried about.

I'm not going to do much portfolio rebalancing until the unemployment rate and NFP announcements on Friday. Now that we see the market moving higher, people who are short would probably have to take profit before the employment outlook and people who want to be long will probably use this opportunity to make some quick gains.

The tables are turned now - hopefully. I am happy I didn't let the market bully me, but at the same time, I'll have to ensure that the moves are real.

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