Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Not Quite!

My portfolio ended the day with the following results:

+1.6% on the standard brokerage
+0.9% on the Roth IRA

I'm not quite pleased with the results because BGCP traded back up to close at $5.03, which means I missed out. At least I didn't become Chicken of the Sea though - as was the case with BNHNA. I'm still trying to sell it in after hours trading.

In any case, my BGCP position was way too small for it to have made much of a difference, but it really got me thinking... my positions are sort of all over the place. I trade lot sizes that are pretty much inconsistent. In order to simplify my trading, I really need to standardise my positions. It'll be easier on the brain since I've got a relatively small one.

Thanks for the rally, Bernanke!

Next up: BX earnings announcement before the market opens tomorrow.

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