Monday, February 22, 2010

I Reckon Hate My Trading!

I finally figured out my 2009 trading results... what would have been a mediocre 8.3% pre-tax profit from stocks, savings, and bonds combined - completely obliterated by one major loss in ABK bonds. Not quite the climatic moment I was hoping for, but at least I know now which areas are contributing to my bottom line and which areas should be repositioned for next year. Yes, I had negative trading results in 2009... a major blow to my TETSOB.

Stocks = 77.28% of gains
Dividends = 11.85% of gains
Interest = 10.85% of gains
Forex = 5.1% of losses
Bonds = 94.86% of losses

Overall results: down -7%...

I hate my trading!

Bimbo as I may be, I have to look at my 7 winning positions at the moment and semi-smile... I think my portfolio is well positioned for more upwards price action with AA, BAC, C, BX, HWD, IPG, MS, and my other top secret restaurant stock which I am still building a position in!

This year, I reckon I'll be laughing all the way to the bank - finally!

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