Friday, February 5, 2010

Oh, Yes! That Was Pretty Amazing...

Yes... Yes... Yes!! Profits are like better than oysters... figs...

I pretty much redeemed myself with this MS trade - at least for the time being. As my perma-bear colleague would say, there's always a chance of a retracement.

But MS closed the week with a strong comeback. It broke new daily highs into the market close. There are lots of put options at $28 now that are probably going to start getting their Inner Fraidy Cats on when Monday arrives.

It hurt when they were pushing prices down... now it's revenge time! We saw good volumes pushing from the daily low of $26.15 all the way up to close the market at $27.24. Ooohhh...

I was not quite happy about having to work this weekend, but I'm going to go into the weekend feeling much, much better.

I got played with BAC, but what do I care? I still have a small position in it and my portfolio benefitted when BAC pushed back too.

I was even ready to dump Harry Winston because the profit level on my overall position was about to become obsolete, but I kept Harry Winston, my beloved Angel Made In Heaven / Prince Smokin' Hot Charming / Portfolio Carrying Hero of the Highest Calibre.

Oh, it was hot - smokin' hot!

+1.22% on the standard brokerage account
+1.32% on the Roth IRA

Apparently, a new position makes a big difference.

Have a nice weekend, Happy Shiny Forex Traders! Not that I traded forex this week, but still...

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