Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Muted Volume?

Is it me or did someone turn the volume way down in the financial sector? Trading volume is much, much lower with several key stocks I'm following, including C, BAC, and MS. I see the same thing with HWD. How much lower? Let's say about 40% less volume than the 10 day average. Does this mean more explosive action is on its way?

Both portfolios were up today, but not quite the smokin' action I was expecting. Advance retail sales is due out tomorrow and being the perennial shopaholic, I'm feeling very upbeat that we'll have better than expected results here. The real beneficiaries will be luxury retailers. TIF and SKS both increased today, but JWN got sold.

Overall, today saw:

+0.65% for the standard brokerage account
+0.52% for the Roth IRA

MS is really kind of charming, so I'll dedicate that French song Moi Je Joue to MS.

Beautiful - that song makes me so happy!

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