Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Yikes, Camera, Reverse Price Action!

A very big oops just about sums up my portfolio for today.

-3.65% on the standard brokerage
-3.76% on the Roth IRA

It was not beautiful and on behalf of all diva-kind, I do not approve this retracement. This Goldiggin' Scandal has reversed weeks of hard work and Bernanke did not help.

I will take the high road and view this as an opportunity to add to my portfolio rather than be all Fraidy and shoot myself right in the foot again. Having said that, BAC options chains do not look good. If we're lucky, we may be able to buy at $14 again between now and July. I am actually personally looking forward to this. After I got played like air piano at the $15 level, I've been waiting for a retracement that has never happened. Perhaps this is the moment!

I did not pay up for BAC... We can lose our marbles, but we shall not lose our standards - or our chastity. But that's another story. My trading chastity is not exactly pristine, now is it?

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