Thursday, April 8, 2010

Pretty Fly For A ForexDiva...

Before people start having inappropriate fantasies about how I'm all Domestic Goddess, cooking up Gordon Ramsay style dishes along with some smokin' hot pips and two hour massages in God knows what, I have to clarify that my Gordon Ramsay is more Gordon Ramsay Plane Food than Gordon Ramsay at Claridges. I suppose it'll go with the whole Mile High Club thing.

But, please hold off from dedicating Pretty Fly For A ForexDiva to me. I will accept songs like... Old ForexDiva Bet A Farm... maybe not.

Today's results:

+0.59% on the standard brokerage
+1.72% on the Roth IRA
0 pips...

I'd like to share how I think I've been making so many pips lately - to me, anyway. I'm now up to +364.92 pips over the past month. So, that's an average of 13.87 pips daily over 25 trading days. That's quite encouraging, isn't it? I'm already thinking about how to better utilise the leverage I have in my account, but I'd like to maintain a level of consistency before getting ahead of myself.

First, instead of using fixed stops, I have switched to hedging only if necessary. This is the MAT strategy I had been blahing about a while back. Study correlations to make this work.

Next, I started looking ahead to important economic announcements that may affect the pairs I'm trading.

Finally, I started paying attention to longer term charts. I've basically been doing what I've kind of known all along, but have been too afraid to do. Plus, something has changed within me. Before, my portfolio was more important to me than me. Now, I am more important than my portfolio. It makes a difference!

Since the Guys of London have been so kind to me, I'd like to send them that song from Annie... Me Plus One. Please, may I ride your trend some more, Guys of London?

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