Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pain In the Rut...

I don't have too much time to blah today since I got tied up with a lot of stuff, but in case anyone's wondering, I closed the day with some disappointing descending price action and wanted to share my report card for the day since I'm always so smug when I have a good day.

-0.81% on the SBA
-2.99% on the Roth IRA

I did notice that in addition to price resistance, there's another type of resistance going on with my account. Whenever it reaches a certain point, it's almost inevitable that it'll start going down shortly thereafter due to my complacency and lack of discipline to take decisive, constructive action. It's happened at least twice this year, particularly with my Roth IRA, which is dominated by the Sultan and CitiFrog.

I think this resistance, at least on some level, must be psychological. So, I'm looking to break through this threshold.

And the only way to do this is with some outside the portfolio thinking!

First step: Google OPEC Meeting and discover that even OPEC has a Web site...

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