Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Nothing Short of Spectacular...

After a few days of annoying retracements, today was nothing short of spectacular!

-0.33% on the standard brokerage account
+1.59% on the Roth IRA

Plus, I also won an item on eBay! I know it's not a real auction, but I'm so excited about it. I won a miniature marble replica of the Antonio Canova Eros & Psyche statue on exhibit at the Louvre. I know I've gotten a lot of replica art lately and maybe it's hypocritical of me since I keep saying I hate replicas, but this is too beautiful and too romantic not to want a replica of. I'd love a full size one in my living room if I become fabulously rich after C starts skyrocketing like mad!

On another note, if I'm here digging my own grave instead of digging some gold with my stock market buying spree, do send me a comment here...

But I think I'll still be in a buying mood even if this is the proverbial Bimbo's Rally. I feel my portfolio's in a good place. I now like all of the companies in my portfolio. Whether they actually start performing is another issue.

Oh, Happy Shiny Forex Traders! We'll all make it some day!!

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