Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Dear, We're Slow Dancing In A Burning Room!

Yes, my portfolio's really, really red today... my standard brokerage account is -3.49% and my Roth IRA is -2.53%. I don't feel so smart today. Was I ever?

So this is what happens when a high beta portfolio gets moodier than Moody's.

I'm still better off than I was 12 days ago, so hopefully this is not the end of my portfolio recovery.

So much of my portfolio depends on BAC, C, and HWD. It's the proverbial double edged sword again!

Why doesn't the market think Harry Winston is worth a $1 billion market cap? TIF's book value is approximately 53% higher than HWD and yet TIF's market cap stands at more than 6 times greater than HWD. I think I'm either looking at an undervalued gem with HWD or TIF's due for a correction. If TIF does drop a lot, I'd like to buy though and if HWD goes any further south, I'm in for some tears.

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