Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Introducing the Arrogant, Pompous, Rude Super Alpha Male: And I Thought I Was Crazy!

I was having a conversation with a money manager from Southeast Asia at the Las Vegas Forex & Options Trading Expo when some arrogant, pompous, rude super alpha male basically tried to usurp our conversation from out of left field - grilling us about our trading strategies whilst deliberately not revealing anything on his trading strategy. We had quite a heated debate after he essentially told us that we were being sold the sizzle and not the steak.

His whole theory is that anyone who works for a broker is not profitable enough to trade independently and that is why they continue to work for a broker. Then, he referred us to ForexFactory.com and said that the real traders are there, not at the expo. He even told me that I've got a trading ego that's going to cost me tremendous tuition.

What hypocrisy! He indicated that his scalping strategy was yielding him 83% accuracy with 10 pip gains and 20 pip losses. Just why was he at the expo then? He explained himself by saying that he was visiting his broker.

Well, if he's really got the large account he says he's got, then why does he need to visit his broker rather than vice versa? And just what was his motive in intruding on our conversation? Moreover, where were his Hermes tie and Thomas Pink shirt?

If there's anything I hate, it is an arrogant, pompous, rude super alpha male. After getting really quite ticked off about the whole incident, I decided to stop allowing it to affect my state of mind. After attending all these sessions at the expo, I realised what I've been doing for the past 10 months is on the right path. I know this, no matter what anyone says. I've tested out my strategy and have consistently been trading it. I've managed to keep my losses to a minimum, but now need to let my profits run. Who is he to tell me that my strategy is not going to be successful?

We've got to do our own homework here and trust ourselves and our statistics above all else.

Having said that, I do rather like proving arrogant, pompous, rude super alpha males wrong.

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