This can't be real. +$10 today? That's up 28% in one day and I did inadvertently bump into a winner for once, but unfortunately let it go.
I never believed in it, though. But still, it really, really hurts. It’s like… I guess it’s like those women who date guys for 7 years and then they break up and he ends up marrying someone else two weeks later? Or like the only dress left in your size, but this other woman is getting out her credit card to pay for it?
Even with my 15 shares, I could have been up another $210 or so. Maybe that's not much, but it could have made a small contribution to my Hermes Fund.
Even C's up... what exactly is going on?
I don't need an explanation, but there has to be a way to go with the flow and capitalise on the madness...
I am going to stay calm. Otherwise, I'll be all emotionally volatile.
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