Monday, October 14, 2013

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall... Sell Their Puts & Sell Their Calls...

Probably what all the Market Makers are secretly thinking right now...

After I got left out of the NFLX +$23.512, or +7.82%, move higher today, I'm frankly feeling especially jaded today, but after watching Mike and Dan on OptionsAction last Friday and seeing that the pros use calendar spreads during times like these, I'm starting to see how I can finetune my strategy.   

Towards the end of the trading day, I contemplated getting into some more straddles before earnings announcements, but anything high beta has slightly prohibitive barriers to entry as far as pricing goes.  

I don't want to be unilateral at the moment, so I will await results and either get into calls or puts based on price action following earnings announcements.

DJT doesn't seem to be feeling it.  After several uptrending days, it appears momentum is definitely slowing down as DJT was only able to end the day virtually unchanged at +0.08%.  Essentially, the move up on the DJT was less aggressive than the move up on the DJIA, indicating a potential divergence.  With gold closing higher, it makes me wonder just how close we are to a deal.  The Uber Bears are already saying how US paper money won't be worth anything if the US really defaults.  

The Republicans will still be blamed though Obama and Reid were the ones who rejected good-faith Republican efforts to end The Shutdown Showdown.  

I'll hate them both...  Thanks a lot, Congress!

-3.39% SBA

+2.02% Roth IRA

+0.42% DJIA

+0.62% Nasdaq
+0.41% S&P 

+0.32% FTSE

+0.13% Eurofirst
+0.43% Shanghai
+0.38% SENSEX

+0.18% WTI

-0.35% Brent
+0.55% Gold
+1.04% Copper
+0.81% Corn

0.88 Put / Call Ratio

+0.08% DJT

+2.23% VIX

+0.42% 5-Year US Treasury Notes

+0.34% 10-Year US Treasury Notes

56% Advancing Issues on NYSE                      |   67% Up Volume

40% Declining Issues on NYSE                       |   32% Down Volume
4% Unchanged                                            |   1% Unchanged
188 New Highs   |  29 New Lows

58% Advancing Issues on Nasdaq                   |   66% Up Volume

38% Declining Issues on Nasdaq                    |   32% Down Volume
4% Unchanged                                            |   2% Unchanged
207 New Highs   |   21 New Lows

Today's Major Headlines

Roubini Now Bullish On USA

Obama Sounds Alarm On Debt As Senators See A Deal In Reach

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