Monday, March 5, 2012

Duty Free (Me)...

Things are getting rough here at ForexDiva. I'm preparing for a business development trip to Switzerland in a few days, having exhausted three packs of very expensive HP ink cartridges in less than a week, and the market is hitting me from left and right.

I'm admittedly nervous, but the Glencore Traders aren't giving me one bit of reassurance.

I need a market pep talk, Professors - or just some upwards price action! So what's going on, Happy Shiny Glencore Traders?

Is the commodities market doomed? I wouldn't mind buying some cotton right now! Seems to have better prospects than the JRCC coal I'm holding, but I'm going to look for a moment to average in...

One of my most iconic trades so far happens to be the AMD second entry I made sometime following Lehman and if JRCC flops another 25%, that will bring its P/B level to the very evil 0.26 - not a bad time to average in just in time for another round of earnings announcement in early May.

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