Thursday, August 11, 2011

(Trading) Leg Power - Or Lack Thereof...

Why'd I nap? I really couldn't help it as the consecutive 700 calorie workout sessions caught up to my trading legs and I collapsed on my bed at around 3:10 pm. Waking up, I realised just how much I wish Bernanke would speak - and just what they mean by snoozing and losing. It's out of character of me to suddenly become BSB's number one fan, but it seems that is the only thing that pacifies the market nowadays.

My CENX position went from minus to plus back to minus throughout the course of the day. I was up at least 5% on it at one point, fueling my bullish take on it. I moved my target price and decided to sell by 4 pm today if it hits $10.27 so as to break 1% above yesterday's close of $10.17. If this was a stop run like I thought it was, my $10.17 would get hit very easily given the high beta nature of the stock, I reasoned. I missed it the first time it broke above $10 and waited, then waited - until it retraced so fast that I started wishing I had sold just a few percent ago.

In the end, all three of my beautiful frontrunners - STO, CENX, and MS - were gasping for air as BAC continued to wobble as one of the financial sector's weakest links.

-6.63% SBA
-5.80% Roth IRA
-4.62% DJIA
-4.09% Nasdaq
-4.42% S&P

Extended hours trading, here we go...

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