Friday, April 1, 2011

The Diva's Got Back(bone)...

It was Non Farm Pay Day and my fourth month going into the whole diva's got backbone thing. It definitely hasn't been easy, although lately, I've been feeling a lot more: dignity, check. Self-respect, check. Chastity, check. Especially today with unemployment falling to 8.8% and job creation of +216,000. Harry tried again for $17, closing very close to it at $16.71. I noticed a 5,000 bid size on HWD earlier today and haven't seen those for a while. A typical bid size on HWD is a few hundred. We closed with an ask price poised above $17 though. So will Monday bring more trading plaisir from the Monsieur?

-3.18% SBA (it's not as bad as it appears, although any minus is a minus in Diva World)
+0.63% Roth IRA

+0.5% S&P
+0.46% DJIA
+0.31% Nasdaq

The Ministers of Finance, the GOLS, are now back above 6000 and Shanghai is moving towards 3000 again. Is this the moment I've been waiting for? We'll find out next week!

Happy Shiny Weekend... I'm going to cook up a six figure storm!

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