Friday, September 24, 2010

I Would Be Totally Predictable...

... if I started sighing right now. But what else can one do but sigh when the trading plaisir is this magnificently breath-taking? Today's rally was pure poetry.

CENX hit the right spot with a +6.57% pop, bringing my paper profits to over +20%. I was watching the price action on this and at the $12.50 level, five figure bid blocks started stepping in. Is that a short-squeeze charged with electric magnetism or what? Beautiful work of art!

Harry joined in the chorus with a +3.57% gain whilst BCS appeased with +4.26%.

I've now got three high beta heroes - all fiery and charged up - all competing for the Junk Bond Queen's loving attention. I should like to take all their glasses off. Bwahahahaha...

+3.86% on the SBA
+2.50% on the Roth IRA

May the trading passion continue as I look to becoming a bona fide day trader!

Once my PDO is complete, I'm making an instantaneous switch to Honeygreen Money Making Machine Type PPT! Isn't that exciting?

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