Thursday, August 26, 2010

I Want To Blah About Glencore...

So I opened up during my Lunchtime Fun session, which has been basically fruitless lately, and saw an article about Glencore posting some extraordinary profits. I was almost certain that my darling CENX would be able to finally get his levels on, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. In fact, I now see selling in Extended Hours Trading. But the people at Glencore obviously know what they're doing and since they seem to hold quite a substantial position in CENX, I'm going to follow their move. I'm admitting I'm small and powerless for once and following the Tall European Men on this one. Glencore's going on my permanent watch list.

I am so confused about the selling of CENX after Glencore's stellar results, but it's the fear of the bear at work. At least I don't have anything to moan about today after a long day of non-stop, stressful work negotiating with the Belgians, who obviously have TETSOBs. Once, I was negotiating with some French guy and he told me that I shouldn't depreciate him. That was the best line ever...

Anyway, my portfolio actually is showing some semblance of bullishness:

+1.78% on the SBA
-0.51% on the Roth IRA

Brent crude had a very nice pop as well...

Soon to occur... my BFF forex broker's going to most likely have daily webinars. How am I going to have a life? I can't possibly attend every one though. But attending the webinar today, I had a new Bwahaha insight and I might just use it to my advantage. Hopefully, it'll be to my advantage. I'll continue to attend the beginner webinars because actually, I can learn a lot from them. My heart is beating so much faster just thinking about it.

We don't have to be better than our forex broker. We just have to be better than the new traders, don't we. And if I can't be better than a new trader, then I might as well stop.

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