Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Don't Break My Chart, My Achy Breaky Chart...

I want to hide behind a coral reef! I don't even know WTF happened today. It seemed everything was fine during the European session and then all of a sudden, someone turned on the stove and everyone's on fire. UK inflation should have been fanning the GBP Men flame, but the London Alpha Males still have their trading legs zipped.

My report card would be all F's today and my SPF would probably be telling me we should do some one-on-one QU tutoring tonight:

-2.66% on the standard brokerage
-2.28% on the Roth IRA

My big question remains: will the GOL run for the 1.35 hill?

And should I put my TETSOB aside and try to bank some moola by going with the Muscular + Stellar Men of New York?

Oh, dear God! EUR/JPY and EUR/USD both look scarier than my portfolio. What I'm not seeing is the chop that usually precedes the pop on any of the pairs I'm looking at. I will wait for this flatlining chart and then take action. I don't want to jump into a short at exactly the wrong Don't Break My Chart, My Achy Breaky Chart timeframe.

This is a moment to remember: If your account is big, don't be a pig. If your account is small, don't risk it all.

Hahaha... the Short Sellers are getting blamed again. Let them sell like hot cakes... we can then buy C at $1 again or BAC at $2 something or... the list goes on and on. The Short Sellers will get hit with a retracement on their way out!

I'm officially a bearish divergence again... assets and self-confidence going down + trading ego going up.

I should have waited to buy BCS at $17... this would have added at least another 10% profit potential if it tests the 52WH, but I had to be the ultimate market slut didn't I?

GOL or MONY or hide behind a coral reef? That is the question...

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