Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mile High Club

I've been accused of many things in my lifetime, including being accused of giving people half-baked ideas, being a back-seat driver, etc. However, having my chastity questioned has never been one of them. If people read my blog, that might be a different story, but really I was so excited about potentially joining the Mile High Club. Unfortunately, today's results were not as exciting as yesterday, so not so fast.

+1.9% on the standard brokerage

+1.38% on the Roth IRA

I might sound a bit... smug? But I'm really worried that all the bull market fun will all of a sudden get stalled. It's the whole once bitten twice shy thing.

I also took profit on my two forex trendships with benefits positions at a total gain of +40.89 pips. I shouldn't have been greedy though because it got up to +80 pips in total. I am glad I didn't have a TETSOB on this one. It would have been anti-climactic to say the least.

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