About a week back, I received an email with a list of staff members who work at the building I live in with the deepest dread. I counted twenty three people on the list and noticed that there were quite a few that should also have been on the list who weren't yet included. My research about how much I should be tipping made me wish I was still living in Europe, where tipping isn't requisite and even a small tip is received with a lot of gratitude.
Given the way my portfolio has been performing and the tepid response from 9FM lately (we've been financially flirting, but it isn't as hot and heavy as before - at least not yet and I anticipate that will change very soon), I should really be as conservative as possible. However, after setting aside moola for my expenses next year and realising that I'm still a lot better off than other people, I decided to give as much as I can to the devoted staff in my building.
Strangely, when I got to it, it actually felt good to give. All year, I've been selfish and greedy and it feels nice not to be all Bah Humbug, let's trade the Japanese Earthquake...
One of the staff actually hugged me! I'm quite sure she didn't receive much since she's a temporary employee. Initially, I wanted to skip her, but then I thought about how - as a consultant - I'm a temporary employee too. So I included her.
I wish I had more to give - and when I do, I will. My 50-point marketing plan has to start paying off soon. Although I haven't implemented everything yet, a seed is starting to sprout and I have such a good feeling about this new plan that I have.
After the crisis hit, a part of my previous job that I really loved disappeared. And now, I've found a way to incorporate it into my new business.
It's only been a week since I decided to have new business hours and I'm still finetuning the precise hours, but it's been difficult. I'm really sleepy a lot of the time, but I feel a lot more productive being within a phone call's reach of the rest of the world.
Getting back to the market... something important occurred today. The Reserve Bank of India intervened in the currency markets. This is the third BRIC central bank intervention within a matter of weeks and this is just what the market needs. I think we're going to have to see some easing from China and India over the next few quarters.
So, I think coal is going to be a good buy. Once China and India start growing rapidly again, demand for coal will strengthen once more. It really got crazy with JRCC towards the final few minutes of trading. My SBA was knifing half a percent in either direction, plus then minus, plus then minus because JRCC was jumping from $6.90 something all the way to $6.50 something within seconds.
-0.34% SBA
-0.14% Roth IRA
-0.02% DJIA
+0.56% Nasdaq
+0.32% S&P
-0.25% FTSE
-0.51% Eurofirst
+0.29% Nikkei
+2.02% Shanghai
-2.18% SENSEX
+0.16% WTI Crude
+0.22% Brent Crude
+1.19% Gold
+2.78% Copper
+0.43% Corn
-3.27% VIX